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Catholic Churches in USA - Address with Latitude and Longitude

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Catholic Churches in USA - Address with Latitude and Longitude

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Database of Catholic Churches in the United States with Postal Address, Latitude and Longitude.
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This is a comprehensive collection of US churches of Catholic denomination. In this collection there are over 25,000 churches from across the United States. The data is available in CSV and MS Excel format. The postal address along with longitude latitude of the zipcode of the church is available. There is no email address or website link in this collection. The database can be used for personal project, research purpose, as content for application, blog or website, or to connect with people or places.



Field Name Description
DENOMINATION Church Denomination (i.e. 'Catholic')
A2Z First letter of the Church name
CHURCH Church name
ADDRESS Postal address of the church comprising Street, City, State and Zipcode in one column. This is suiatble for quickly create mailing label. Example: '12 St. Patrick's Place PORT HENRY, NY 12974'
CITY US City name
STATE US State name
ST 2 letter abbreviated form of the US State
ZIPCODE 5 digit US Zipcode
LATITUDE Latitude of the Zipcode in Degrees with 6 decimal palces
LONGITUDE Longitude of the Zipcode in Degrees with 6 decimal palces


Additional Information

Format Details The data is availbale in CSV and Spreadsheet (MS Excel 2007) format. Other format may be available on request.
Total Records More than 25,000 catholic churches in all states of US
File Size 3 MB Zipped
Keywords catholic, church, usa, us, states, denomination, longitude, latitude, address, zipcode
Key Phrases catholic churches in usa, catholic denomination, church database, church mailing address
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SECTION Description
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More than 25,000 catholic churches in ALL states of US. Top 10 catholic states having 500 to 2500 catholic churches in each are as below: New York Pennsylvania California Illinois Texas Ohio Michigan Wisconsin New Jersey Louisiana



Catholic A ALL SAINTS 127 Chadduck Ave. BUFFALO, NY 14207 Buffalo New York NY 14207 42.949557 -78.897009
Catholic C CHURCH OF PENTECOST 12515 FONDREN ROAD Houston, TX 77035 Houston Texas TX 77035 29.833990 -95.434241
Catholic S SAINT JOHN CATHOLIC CHURCH 110 EAST SOUTH STREET Alvin, TX 77511 Alvin Texas TX 77511 29.337714 -95.406048


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