This product is a database of hospitals in United States of America. In this collection there are 4,800+ hospitals from across the United States. The data is available in CSV, MS Excel 2007 Spreadsheet and MS Access 2007 database format.
The postal address along with longitude and latitude of hospital upto 14 decimal places accuracy is available. There is no email address or website link in this collection.
The database can be used for personal project, research purpose, content for application, blog or website, or as a mailing list for business communication purpose.
Field Name | Field Description | Field Width |
ProviderID | Provider ID | 6 |
HospitalName | Name of Hospital | 100 |
Address | Street Address of Hospital | 100 |
City | City | 25 |
State | 2 character US State Code | 2 |
ZIPCode | 5 digit US ZIP Code | 5 |
CountyName | County | 25 |
PhoneNumber | Phone Number | 10 |
HospitalType | Type of Hospital | 50 |
HospitalOwnership | Hospital Ownership | 100 |
EmergencyServices | Emergency Service available? | 3 |
Latitude | Latitude of address up to 14 decimal places | 25 |
Longitude | Longitude of address up to 14 decimal places | 25 |
Additional Information
File Format | CSV File, MS Excel 2007 Spread Sheet, MS Access 2007 Database | ||||||||||||||||||
Format Details | The data is available in CSV, Spreadsheet (MS Excel 2007) and Database (MS Access 2007) format. Any other data format such as MySQL dump or TAB delimited text file is available on request. A small fee for data conversion may be applicable. Please send your request to [email protected] | ||||||||||||||||||
Total Records | More than 4,800 hospitals in USA. | ||||||||||||||||||
File Size | The size of the package is 1.4 MB zip file. | ||||||||||||||||||
Keywords | usa, us, states, longitude, latitude, address, zipcode, hospital, hospitals, database, list | ||||||||||||||||||
Key Phrases | hospitals in usa, hospitals database, hospitals mailing address | ||||||||||||||||||
Specific Terms and Condition |
More than 4,800 hospitals in USA.
You can download a sample list of US hospitals from the database from here: Download sample list of US hospitals