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FIFA World Cup facts and figures

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MCQ on FIFA World Cup facts and figures since 1930

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A comprehensive set of original multiple choice questions and answer on all FIFA World Cup since 1930.

The data is available in TAB delimited Text file, Spreadsheet (MS Excel 2007) format, and Database (MS Access 2007) format. Other formats may be available on request. An additional fee may be applicable for additional file format.

A sample can be downloaded free. Find more details in the description section below.

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A comprehensive set of original multiple choice questions (MCQ) and answer on all FIFA World Cup since 1930. There are 1100+ questions and answers. Each of the questions have 4 multiple choices and 1 correct answer. Questions are based on facts and figures of all World Cups since 1930 to 2018. Following categories of questions are available in this MCQ database: - All-Star Goalkeeper - At Least Five Goals - Best Young Player - Bronze Ball - FIFA Fair Play Trophy - Final Score - Final Venue - Fourth Position - Goals Scored - Golden Ball - Golden Glove - Host Country - Matches Played - Most Entertaining Team - Most Man of the Match wins - Qualified Teams - Runners-Up - Silver Ball - Third Position - Top Goalscorer - Top Goalscorer/Golden Boot - Top Goalscorer/Golden Shoe - Winner - Winning coach The database can be used for personal use; learning or research purpose; or as content for application, blog or website.



"MCQ on FIFA World Cup facts and figures since 1930" data structure is as follows:
Column Description Field Length
Subject Subject of the MCQ collection - in this case it is ""FIFA World Cup"" Charactre (50)
QClass Category or topics of the question/answer Charactre (50)
Question The Question Charactre (255)
ChoiceA 1st Choice for a possible answer Charactre (40)
ChoiceB 2nd Choice for a possible answer Charactre (40)
ChoiceC 3rd Choice for a possible answer Charactre (40)
ChoiceD 4th Choice for a possible answer Charactre (40)
Answer Correct answer Charactre (40)
AnsCol Position of the column with correct answer (A, B, C or D) Charactre (1)


Additional Information

File Format Tab Delimited Text, MS Excel 2007 Spread Sheet, MS Access 2007 Database
Format Details The data is available in TAB delimited Text file, Spreadsheet (MS Excel 2007) format, and Database (MS Access 2007) format. Other formats may be available on request. An additional fee may be applicable for additional file format.
Total Records
There are 1100+ questions and answers.
File Size Approx 125 KB Zipped, 650 KB Unzipped
Keywords fifa, world, cup, facts, figures, mcq
Key Phrases fifa world cup, world cup, facts and figures, world cup mcq, all-star goalkeeper, at least five goals, best young player, bronze ball, fifa fair play trophy, final score, final venue, fourth position, goals scored, golden ball , golden glove, host country, matches played, most entertaining team, most man of the match wins, qualified teams, runners-up, silver ball, third position, top goalscorer, top goalscorer/golden boot, top goalscorer/golden shoe, winner, winning coach
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SECTION Description
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DISCLAIMER has compiled this product to be used as a repository of relevant information for those who are interested to know but assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials.
CAN - You CAN use this product for your own personal use, in your personal project, for knowledge or research purpose
CAN - You CAN use this database as content for application, blog or website to inform the users or visitors. But you should not present the content in it's original format and you should not allow any part of the content as a downloadable file.
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