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Music Trivia Quizzes: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Music Trivia Quizzes: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Collection of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and Answers on Music
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This is a huge collection of Multiple Choice Questions and answers on Music artsists, bands, singers, composers, charts, albums, songs and musical instruments. The collection is comprised of over 15000 trivia and quizzes categorised into various topics. The data is available in CSV and MS Excel format. MCQs are categorised into follwoing topics (listed in alphabetical order): 50s Chart Toppers 60s Chart Toppers 70s Chart Toppers 70s Hit Singer 70s Hit Song 80s Chart Toppers 80s Hit Singer 80s Hit Song 80s Tune 90s Chart Toppers Artist/Band Beatle Brit Isle Bands Composer Music Personnel Music Term Music Term: (Fr.) Music Term: (Ger.) Music Term: (It.) Musical Instrument Nickname Singer Song The database can be used for personal project; learning or research purpose; or as content for application, blog or website.



Column Description Field Length
Subject Subject of the MCQ collection - in this case it is Music Charactre (50)
QCategory Category or topics of the question/answer Charactre (50)
Question The Question Charactre (255)
ChoiceA 1st Choice for a possible answer Charactre (40)
ChoiceB 2nd Choice for a possible answer Charactre (40)
ChoiceC 3rd Choice for a possible answer Charactre (40)
ChoiceD 4th Choice for a possible answer Charactre (40)
Answer Correct answer Charactre (40)
AnsCol Position of the column with correct answer (A, B, C or D) Charactre (1)


Additional Information

File Format Tab Delimited Text, MS Excel 2007 Spread Sheet
Format Details The data is available in TAB delimited text file and Spreadsheet (MS Excel 2007) format. Other format may be available on request.
Total Records
More than 15,000 multiple choice questions (MCQ) and answers on Music
File Size 2 MB Zipped
Keywords music, musical, trivia, quiz, quizzes, mcq, multiple, choice, question, answer, songs, charts, singers, artists, composers, bands, instruments
Key Phrases music quizzes, music trivia, music mcqs, trivia quizzes, multiple choices, multiple choice questions
Specific Terms and Condition
SECTION Description
ABOUT This document describes important terms and conditions about your use of the product purchased from By downloading and using this product you agree to these terms. Therefore, you must understand the following before you use this product
DISCLAIMER has compiled this product to be used as a repository of relevant information for those who are interested to know but assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials.
CAN - You CAN use this product for your own personal use, in your personal project, for knowledge or research purpose
CAN - You CAN use this database as content for application, blog or website to inform the users or visitors. But you should not present the content in it's original format and you should not allow any part of the content as a downloadable file.
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CANNOT - You CANNOT use the database for any download website or similar site from where visitor can download the original database
OHER TERMS Unauthorized copying, distribution and use of this product is strictly prohibited.



Question Category Count Of Question
50s Chart Toppers 1318
60s Chart Toppers 2768
70s Chart Toppers 2330
70s Hit Singer 9
70s Hit Song 13
80s Chart Toppers 2069
80s Hit Singer 6
80s Hit Song 12
80s Tune 319
90s Chart Toppers 1205
Artist/Band 3000
Beatle 39
Brit Isle Bands 20
Composer 57
Music Personnel 368
Music Term 284
Music Term: (Fr.) 30
Music Term: (Ger.) 59
Music Term: (It.) 113
Musical Instrument 162
Nickname 18
Singer 1112
Song 338



Subject QCategory Question ChoiceA ChoiceB ChoiceC ChoiceD Answer AnsCol
Music Beatle name the oldest of the four beatles ringo starr lennon paul mccartney linda mccartney ringo starr A
Music Brit Isle Bands Brit Isle Bands: Subtitle for the song SOMETIMES on the James CD, "Laid." digsys diner gaelic catherine wheel lester piggott lester piggott D
Music Composer Classical Music: What composer was called the "Red Priest" Rachmanninov Arnold Schoenberg Felix Mendelssohn Vivaldi Vivaldi D
Music Artist/Band [from the album title name the artist] Share my world diana ross the bangles Mary j blige coldplay Mary j blige C
Music 50s Chart Toppers 50's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Never Turn Back santo & johnny bonnie sisters al hibbler the champs al hibbler C
Music 60s Chart Toppers 60's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Let Me Belong to You the earls brian hyland kenny ball & his jazzmen the mills brothers brian hyland B
Music 70s Chart Toppers 70's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Too Much, Too Little, Too Late flash john lennon bobby caldwell deniece williams deniece williams D
Music 80s Chart Toppers 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Fight For Your Right beastie boys donna summer outlaws van halen beastie boys A
Music 90s Chart Toppers 90's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? calloway leann rimes bryan adams young mc bryan adams C
Music Singer Which pop singer received a knighthood in the 1995 Honours List bette midler david bowie cliff richard sting cliff richard C
Music Song Metallica: Name the song: "Take a look to the sky just before you die" again i dont think so not you again for whom the bell tolls for whom the bell tolls D


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