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UK Postcode Database with Latitude and Longitude

UK Postcode Database with Latitude and Longitude

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This is a huge and comprehensive database of all postal codes in the United Kingdom.

The database has a total of 2,663,000 (2.66 million) postcode records of which 1,776,000 (1.77 million) are currently in use and 887,000 are historical (not current).

The data is available in CSV files and MS Access database (.accdb). Other formats are available on request.
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The UK postcode consists of 6 to 8 alphanumeric characters (including a space) which was created by Royal Mail. The outward code and the inward code are separated by a space. The outward code consists of postcode area and district. The inward code has the postcode sector and unit. Example UK Postcodes are "AB22 8ZA", "EX12 3HL", "SS8 8NG".

The postal code system in the United called zip code. In UK familiar term is postcode or postal code. However often zip code may also be used interchangeably with postcode.

Following fields are available in the database: Postcode, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Easting, Northing, GridRef, Country, Region, CountyCode ,County, DistrictCode, District, ConstituencyCode, Constituency, WardCode, Ward, RUCode, RuralUrban, NearestStation, DistanceToStation, PostcodeArea, PostcodeDistrict, Date Introduced, Date Terminated.



Field Name Data Type
Postcode Short Text
InUse Yes/No
Latitude Number
Longitude Number
Altitude Number
Easting Number
Northing Number
GridRef Short Text
Country Short Text
Region Short Text
CountyCode Short Text
County Short Text
DistrictCode Short Text
District Short Text
ConstituencyCode Short Text
Constituency Short Text
WardCode Short Text
Ward Short Text
RUCode Short Text
RuralUrban Short Text
NearestStation Short Text
DistanceToStation Number
PostcodeArea Short Text
PostcodeDistrict Short Text
Introduced Date
Terminated Date


Additional Information

File Format CSV File, MS Access 2007 Database
Format Details The data is available in CSV files and MS Access database (.accdb). Other formats are available on request.
Total Records The database has a total of 2,663,000 (2.66 million) postcode records of which 1,776,000 (1.77 million) are currently in use and 887,000 are historical (not current).
File Size 88 MB zipped, 1.2 GB unzipped
Additional Info There are a list of key tables with key value and description in the database as follows: List of Countries, Districts, Constituencies, Wards, and Urban/Rural codes
Keywords uk, postcode, zip code, postal code, zipcode, latitude, longitude, post code
Key Phrases uk postcode, uk postal code, uk zip code
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SECTION Description
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OHER TERMS Unauthorized copying, distribution and use of this product is strictly prohibited.



Active Postal Codes Example:

Postcode Latitude Longitude Altitude Easting Northing GridRef Country Region CountyCode County DistrictCode District ConstituencyCode Constituency WardCode Ward RUCode RuralUrban NearestStation DistanceToStation PostcodeArea PostcodeDistrict Introduced
AB10 1AB 57.1496 -2.096916 27 394235 806529 NJ942065 Scotland Scotland S99999999 S12000033 Aberdeen City S14000001 Aberdeen North S13002842 George St/Harbour LUA Large urban area Aberdeen 0.664246 AB AB10 6/1/2011
AB10 1AF 57.14959 -2.096923 25 394235 806527 NJ942065 Scotland Scotland S99999999 S12000033 Aberdeen City S14000001 Aberdeen North S13002842 George St/Harbour LUA Large urban area Aberdeen 0.662423 AB AB10 6/1/1996
AB10 1AG 57.14905 -2.097004 24 394230 806467 NJ942064 Scotland Scotland S99999999 S12000033 Aberdeen City S14000001 Aberdeen North S13002842 George St/Harbour LUA Large urban area Aberdeen 0.602541 AB AB10 6/1/1996
AB10 1AH 57.14959 -2.096923 24 394235 806527 NJ942065 Scotland Scotland S99999999 S12000033 Aberdeen City S14000001 Aberdeen North S13002842 George St/Harbour LUA Large urban area Aberdeen 0.662423 AB AB10 6/1/1996
AB10 1AL 57.15006 -2.095916 23 394296 806579 NJ942065 Scotland Scotland S99999999 S12000033 Aberdeen City S14000001 Aberdeen North S13002842 George St/Harbour LUA Large urban area Aberdeen 0.725326 AB AB10 6/1/1996

Inactive (Historical) Postal Codes Example:

Postcode Latitude Longitude Altitude Easting Northing GridRef Country Region CountyCode County DistrictCode District ConstituencyCode Constituency WardCode Ward RUCode RuralUrban NearestStation DistanceToStation PostcodeArea PostcodeDistrict Introduced Terminated
AB1 0AA 57.10147 -2.242851 46 385386 801193 NJ853011 Scotland Scotland S99999999 S12000033 Aberdeen City S14000002 Aberdeen South S13002843 Lower Deeside AST Accessible small town Portlethen 8.31408 AB AB1 1/1/1980 6/1/1996
AB1 0AB 57.10255 -2.246308 61 385177 801314 NJ851013 Scotland Scotland S99999999 S12000033 Aberdeen City S14000002 Aberdeen South S13002843 Lower Deeside AST Accessible small town Portlethen 8.55457 AB AB1 1/1/1980 6/1/1996


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