ActiveLinks is a website URL checker freeware utility from eBusinessGems.com. It visits a list of loaded URLs and identifies those URLs which are active and separate those urls from the broken links. This simple yet powerful functionality is very helpful for webmasters and SEO professionals who are dealing with online marketing especially website submission and promotion.
As a webmasters or online marketeer you may maintain several website lists such as: list of site submission directories, article sites, ad posting sites, social bookmarking sites, search engines, software downloading sites, forums, blogs, press release distributions sites and so on. Now you have ActiveLinks to clean up those lists by removing all the broken links. With ActiveLinks keeping your lists updated and active is very easy.
Just unzip the file. To run it, double click on ActiveLinks.exe file. You need .NET framework 2.0 or later installed in your Windows PC.
You can load the supplied "testurl.txt" file in ActiveLinks for testing the sample URLs. Using ActiveLinks is just 1-2-3 :) Well, that means, effectively using ActiveLinks requires 3 simple steps to follow:
1) Click on [Load..] button >> Upload your own list of URLs
2) Click on [Start] button >> Start checking loaded URLs
3) Click on [Save to File..] >> Save the valid URLs to a different file.
Additional Information
File Size | Tiny 15 KB Exe file |
Keywords | active, broken, links, urls, checker, utility, freeware |
Key Phrases | active links, broken links, links checker, urls checker, freeware utility |
Specific Terms and Condition | Unauthorized copying, distribution and use of this software are strictly prohibited. This software is for your personal use only and you can not re-sell or re-distribute it. If you find this product being sold and inappropriately distributed by any other party, please immediately inform [email protected]. Thank you. |