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Cool Things for FreeHurray! is now offering readily downloadable and completely free stuffs for you. You can chose as many things for free as you like from the vast array of cool freebies from our catalog. There is no catch, except, you have to register on which is usual for any of our customers. However, if you are already our customer then obviously you do not have to re-register. Just log in using your email and password, select the FREE stuff you want and add to the cart and finally check-out.

Selection of multiple free products are also allowed. Please also note that your minimum order total has to be $1.95 in order to be eligible for things for free. If the order total is less than the minimum, an adjustment value will be added to the ordered amount.

For example, if your order total is $1.75 and adjusted value of $0.20 will be added to the invoice to make a total of $1.95. But why should you pay extra $0.20, why not buy another product of your choice. We have plenty of dirt cheap but quality items on our catalog. Once your order total pass the minimum threshold amount of $1.95, you are free to add multiple free gifts on the same order. Enjoy the FREE gems!