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Telephone Conversation Situations and Responses

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Telephone Conversation Situations and Responses

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This is a comprehensive list of Telephone Conversation Situations and Responses in English language. There are around 300 telephone conversation responses or phrases for about 45+ conversation situations.
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This is a comprehensive list of Telephone Conversation Situations and Responses in English language. There are around 300 telephone conversation responses or phrases for about 45+ conversation situations. The list is an unique collection of this kind and can be used in an application or as a reference that can help everybody in their day to day telephone conversations in English. This collection when incorporated in an application (e.g. web, android, eBook etc.) will be an ideal companion for Students, Professionals, Businessmen, Travelers, Housewives and in fact every single person who needs to communicate effectively over telephone.



The Telephone Conversation Situations and Responses database has the following structure and information fields:

A list of 300 Telephone conversation Situatons & Responses have the following fields

  1. Situation: Telephone Conversation Situation
  2. Response: Response to the situation or phrases used in this situation

A list of 60 keywords to describe the Situatons have the following fields

  1. Keyword: Keyword to describe the situation
  2. Situation: Telephone Conversation Situation

A list of 45+ keywords for Situations

Keywords for situations: addressing, agreeing, answering, appointment, asking for someone, asking for someone, asking for someone, asking name, checking, clarifying, clarifying, clarifying, clarifying, closing, closing, confirming, connecting, connection issue, contact number, disagreeing, dislikes, ending, ending, getting back, getting back, greeting, hearing, hearing, hearing, holding, holding, identifying, identifying, identifying, interrupting, introducing, introducing, issue, leaving, likes, loud, message, message, message, message, negative info, not available, rejecting, repeat, repeating, repeating, repeating, requesting, seeking suggestion, slow, thanking, time, transferring, transferring, updating, wait, waiting

A list of 45+ telephone conversation Situations

The above structure is suitable for navigating the information in an application built form the database. For example an user can quickly find out necessary phrases or responses for a given situation by clicking on a keyword first. Then a list of relevant situations may appear on screen from which the user can further drill down to the phrases or responses.

The list of conversation situations for which responses or phrases are available are given below:

List of Telephone Conversation Situations:

  1. Addressing a person
  2. Agreeing
  3. Answering the phone
  4. Asking for clarification / Repetition
  5. Asking for information
  6. Asking for Instructions
  7. Asking for someone
  8. Asking for someone / Making a request
  9. Asking for someone's contact number
  10. Asking for the caller’s name
  11. Asking the caller to wait
  12. Asking the speaker to slow down
  13. Asking to Speak with Someone
  14. Clarifying what your caller says / Obtaining the correct information
  15. Closing a conversation
  16. Confirming information / Clarifying what your caller says
  17. Dealing with bad connections
  18. Disagreeing
  19. Ending a call
  20. Expressing likes and dislikes
  21. Getting back
  22. Getting to the point
  23. Giving negative information
  24. Greetings
  25. Holding and transferring
  26. Identifying the listener
  27. Interrupting without insult
  28. Introducing people
  29. Introductions
  30. Leaving / Taking a message
  31. Leaving a message
  32. Making special requests
  33. Obtaining the caller's name
  34. Person caller wants to talk to someone who is not available
  35. Problems / When you don’t understand the caller
  36. Rejecting a time/date
  37. Requesting
  38. Requesting an appointment
  39. Responding to a caller’s request
  40. Someone just gave you a gift for your birthday
  41. Telephone problems
  42. Tell about your favorite things
  43. Transferring / Connecting the caller to another person
  44. Understanding
  45. Updating status
  46. What time is it?
  47. When the person is unavailable


Additional Information

File Format MS Excel 2003 Spread Sheet, MS Access 2003 Database
Format Details The package contains data in comma two formats. An Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (2003 format) having 4 worksheets and a Microsoft Access Database (2003 format) having 4 tables. Other formats are available on request. Please send your request to [email protected]
Total Records A list of 300 Telephone conversation Situations & Responses have the following fields. A list of 60 keywords to describe the Situatons have the following fields. A list of 45+ keywords for Situations.
File Size The MS Access Database size is 300 KB and the spreadsheet size is 75 KB
Keywords telephone, conversation, situations, responses, phrases, etiquette, manner, speaking
Key Phrases telephone conversations, telephone manner, telephone etiquette, manner of speaking, telephone phrases, art of speaking over telephone
Specific Terms and Condition Telephone Conversation Situations and Responses is an eBuisnessGems product - Copyright ©, 2013. Unauthorized copying, distribution and use of this product is strictly prohibited. You can purchase and download this product from If you find this product being distributed from any other store, please immediately inform [email protected]. Thank you.



Situation Response
Asking for clarification / Repetition Could you clarify that?
Asking for clarification / Repetition Could you repeat that?
Asking for clarification / Repetition Could you say that again?
Asking for clarification / Repetition Did you say . . . ?
Asking for clarification / Repetition Excuse me?
Asking for clarification / Repetition What are you trying to say?
Asking for clarification / Repetition What did you say?
Asking for clarification / Repetition What do you mean (by that)?
Asking for clarification / Repetition What was that (again)?
Asking for clarification / Repetition What was that again?
Closing a conversation I'll talk to you again soon. Bye.
Closing a conversation I'm afraid that's my other line.
Closing a conversation It’s 5 o’clock already. I better let you go.
Closing a conversation It’s been great talking with you. I’ve got a meeting now so I better run.
Closing a conversation Let’s touch base on this again in a few days.
Closing a conversation Nice talking to you too.
Closing a conversation Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
Holding and transferring Connecting your call...
Holding and transferring Hello, please hold!
Holding and transferring Hold the line, I’ll put you through.
Holding and transferring I’m sorry, I have a call on my other line. Can you please hold?
Holding and transferring I'll connect you now / I'm connecting you now.
Holding and transferring Let me see if Ms…… is available.
Holding and transferring One minute, I’ll transfer you now.
Making special requests Can you speak a little slower please. My English isn't very strong.
Making special requests Could you please repeat that?
Making special requests Could you speak up a little louder/slower please?


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