Website visitors are looking for all sorts of information on the web. Google, Yahoo and Bing are the three major search engines that they rely on for searching websites. The search engine results are not the content you are looking for but the websites that may or may not have the content. So search engine result pages are definitely good starting point for visitors to dig further for the content they are interested in. Various Search engines employ various rules to determine the order of display of the websites for a particular search term or phrase. As a rule of thumb more content rich your website is more is the chance of your site being displayed in the front of the search engine results.
That is to say that building a content rich web site is the key for getting lots of visitors redirected from search engines. But, data collection is always a challenge job if you are going to build a content rich website. There can be various forms of web content but how they are generated are of basically two types. Contents that are either static web pages created page by page or dynamically generated from a database.
Dynamically generated content, based on database data, are easily manageable and extendable. Therefore majority of the content based websites are built on a database to supply the contents. Even the websites that apparently looks like based on static web pages are based on a heavy duty database management system at the back end like mySQL etc. To name a few, article directories, wiki pages, news websites, etc. are of these types. Online shops, auction sites, freelancing job boards, forums and many other types of websites are also dynamic in nature.
Particularly, those websites that provide searchable contents to cash in on huge numbers of visitors hungry for information are based on dynamic content from readymade databases. The income generated by these websites are usually from Google adsense or such other online pay-per-click or pay-per-impression types of advertisements or from promoting and selling related products and services. There are all sorts of dynamic content based websites around. For example this day in history, baby name database, pet name database, lyrics websites, zipcode search, geographic or city search database, movie database, jokes database, quotation database, proverb database, words, phrases, idioms, educational question banks you name it.
These databases are very important in the sense that they provide exact information visitors are looking for. Building a website to provide valuable contents that are searchable and generated dynamically is the key if you want to promote related products and services or simply want to earn money from Google adsense or other forms of online advertisements. The website is an online digital data provider that collects, compiles, improves and distributes such ready made database contents and resources.
Usually such contents are supplied in tab delimited or comma delimited text files or in excel spreadsheets. Sometimes that can be supplied in a Microsoft access database or simply in the forms of sql statements. Any form of organized data can be readily exported into a database such as MySQL or any other relational database management system. Dynamic websites based on php for scripting and mySQL for database comprise bulk of the sites on the internet. Because these technologies are free of cost.
Come up with an idea. Collect a readymade database from our catalog. Start building your own content rich dynamic websites. Start making money online.